I began this Journey with Jeremiah to understand the context of the promise written in Jeremiah 29:11-13. I have read Jeremiah now cover to cover and know way more about God's goodness, even in our times of exile and rebellion. God gives us chances. The book is full of them. Time after time, I found myself writing in the margin "another chance." How many of us need "another chance" written in our book? I need another chance everyday. But that is promised to me too...God's mercies are new to me each morning! That comes from Lamentations 3:22-23, a book believed to be written by Jeremiah as he grieved the destruction of Jerusalem (the story of the book of Jeremiah). God is so good, see how this all ties together?
I think I just tried to start another thought, so let me get back to the one I was going to write about orignally. It is the start of Jeremiah 29. It gave me great insight into what I am to do in this time of "exile" into the land of chronic illness. My natural tendency is to fight it and slash my way out of this dense dark woods. But that is not what God says. I think I am in a sort of "exileish" place. God told me he did not create my illness, but that He will use it for his glory. But in my psyche, it has been a place of exile. That is not all bad.
Now, if you were taken into exile by an enemy country, who did not share your faith, beliefs, practices would your first thought be "settle into that place and find peace there." If that is your first inclination you are way ahead of me. My first inclination is and would have been, "don't get comfortable here, because this is enemy territory. I can't possibly prosper here." And as I read the first few verses of Jeremiah 29 I couldn't believe my eyes. God told Jerusalem to settle into their exiled place. To make homes there and settle down (v. 5). He wanted them to increase in number and seek peace and prosperity, not only for themselves but for the people who were their captors (v.7). Huh? Did I just hear that right Lord? Settle down HERE? Here in the land of chronic illness, my enemy, my captor?
Yup...I heard correctly. Settle down. Stop fighting. Seek peace and prosperity in this place where God has brought me to. A place I once (and sometimes still) saw as my enemy. So what does this mean from a practical stand point? I will give you some practical examples in my life, see what you find in yours.
1. Because of my chronic illness, I have been brought home. A place I never spent too much time before because I was so busy. I clearly heard God tell me to settle into home. If you know me, you know this has not been my nature since the beginning of (my) time. So God is shaping a new nature in me. That is pretty cool. Not easy. But anytime I know God is actively working in my life I get excited!
2. "Pray and seek peace and prosperity in the place to which I have carried you," (v. 7). Well, who doesn't want peace and prosperity in their home? Since I wrote to you last, I have decided to home-school my son. Something I said I would never do because I didn't have the patience to be home that much. But guess what God has and is giving me? Patience and peace...I seek it every day as this verse commands and God in his grace grants it to me. My son who was in anguish from years of bullying is prospering. God makes good on his word!
3. I can stop fighting because I finally realize I am right were I am supposed to be. Chronic illness (a product of the original fall - see Genesis) brought me here. It was not God's original intention for us to get sick, or our bodies to fail us, but it happens and if we tether ourselves to God, He will free us from that captivity eventually (v.14). That freedom from captivity may mean physical healing, spiritual healing, psychological healing, growth in Him...etc. We don't get to dictate that, but we get to participate in it and be the recipients of the goodness he promises in vs. 11-13. I can see that now. I haven't been cursed with chronic illness (although some days it feels like that), I am blessed with a chance to participate in the good works my Father wants to do in and through me.
I made it through Jeremiah and Lamentations. You'd think it would have been a depressing read, but I saw the heart of God in all of it and in that I saw hope, peace and blessing.
Pray for me. Pray for this blog. Pray for those who are lost and need words of hope. If you know of any, pass on my words. I don't write just to see my own words on a screen, I write to pass on the goodness of my Lord Jesus Christ! May God bless you today.
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